How To Conduct A Meaningful And Successful HOA Board Meeting

A successful HOA board meeting involves strategic planning and organization, as well as thoughtful execution. Board meetings by nature are less than inspiring to members and board members alike. Therefore, if you don’t want members to perceive that the meeting is a waste of time, it’s up to you to provide a meaningful gather filled vital information.


Below are some practical tips for helping you conduct a successful and meaningful HOA board meeting.

Set Up The Room In Advance

While a room environment may not seem like a big deal for a board meeting, studies have shown time and again that aesthetics stimulate intellect, creativity, and ideas in a group setting. While it is not necessary to go all out and decorate the room every time the members assemble, you may want to add some small touches here and there.

Some simple ideas may include:

  • Provide some light snacks and beverages

  • Hand out an agenda with specific talking points

  • Position all tables and chairs so that everyone in the room feels connected and engaged.

  • All board members should sit together and face the other members as a united front.

Present A Clear And Concise Agenda

The best time to present an agenda is a few days before the meeting. A pre-meeting agenda allows others to present ideas or topics they want to address during the meetings (note: It doesn't mean that you have to add every item to the upcoming agenda). Giving members a few days to digest the agenda also allows them to process and prepare for all listed items.

The agenda should include the following:

  • Clearly stated objectives in as few words as possible.

  • All items listed in order of importance. Place the most urgent items first.

  • If possible, try to state why each item is on the agenda. If members understand the purpose of the objective, they are more likely to act as a stakeholder.

  • A short list of all necessary items. Weed out anything that you don’t have to address right now. Long agendas intimidate members.

Conduct A Short Meeting And Start On Time

People value time almost as much as food and oxygen. Everybody is busy. People generally show up to board meeting merely out of obligation and not enthusiasm. If you want to keep them coming back, then host and conduct an efficient meeting that doesn't waste everybody's time.

No matter how many people are in the room at the designated meeting time, start the meeting on time, every time. Those who are early and on time will appreciate your promptness. Those who are late may feel the pressure of being late or feel like they missed something.

Tell everyone how long the meeting will last at the beginning and stick to the end time. Sticking to the schedule will help you conduct a more efficient meeting, reduce the number of agenda items, and encourage everyone to find solutions to issues without wasting time.

Partner With Your Property Management Company

When utilized correctly, your property manager knows many of the elements that keep your HOA running successfully throughout the year. HOA managers such as RowCal take care of grounds maintenance, accounting issues, governance, legal matters. Infrastructure, and a wide range of financial matters.

RowCal can provide insight into some of the toughest issues facing HOAs today. You may want to consult your property manager before an HOA meeting and invite them to attend each meeting. RowCal can attend & coordinate membership meetings and board meetings.

Property Management Services

If your HOA needs a third-party, web-based accounting and property management company in Minneapolis or Colorado Springs, then contact RowCal today. We provide a wide range of services for homeowners associations. If you would like to know more about the products and services we provide, call us at 651-233-1307.

Mark Zubert